Artist SKR

Indian Visual Artist

"Art is like a paintbrush for our feelings, coloring the world with what's inside our hearts."

My Art Styles

Miniature Realities

These artworks depict human challenges, divine emotions, historical lessons, and human sentiments, inviting viewers to craft their narratives within the intricate web of societal complexities and connections.

Scarlet Skin Stories

Step into the world of 'Empowering Red Portraits. These paintings showcase red figures symbolizing not only the strength and beauty of the human form but also the enduring power of love and illuminating the path to self-discovery.

Human Blends

Storytelling compositions merging characters and items with a little touch of realism against black or red backgrounds. Utilizing solely white or black, each art narrates societal, love, or relational themes with depth.

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My Skills

"Good at different painting styles. I use acrylics on canvas. My efforts are always directed towards conveying stories and emotions through art in a unique way.”

“Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on my artworks! Your reviews are invaluable and greatly appreciated. Your support means the world to me!”


Visitors rating

"His art tells stories. You can feel the emotions in every brushstroke. Amazing that he taught himself—truly talented and inspiring."
"SKR's paintings are so different yet all stunning. Shows real dedication. You can sense the heart in each piece. It is Impressive!"
"The art is visually stunning, showcasing self-taught skill and dedication. It's a lesson: passion births extraordinary beauty."